Building and Installing firmly.0cpm =================================== You can build firmly.0cpm for any of the target architectures included. If you intend to port to another target, please fork off your own git repository, work on it until stable, and then inform us. We will be happy to re-integrate your work. If you intend to build a predefined target, please read the helping instructions for that target to learn how to upload the firmware to your phone. It may not always be a matter of toggling a few switches; serious hardware tinkering is involved on some platforms. On you can find a list of people inclined to help you with this work on your phones. To build the firmware, please run from the main directory of the software make menuconfig The first thing you should select is the target which is basically make and model of your phone. After that, you may have to choose a driver for devices like network device chips, if you are working on a device that changes its hardware without changing its serial numbers. This may imply opening the case and looking at the numbers on the chips (best done in broad daylight). Good luck, Rick van Rein OpenFortress / 0cpm