project (6bed4 C) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6) set (VERSION "0.0.1") cmake_policy(SET CMP0053 NEW) add_definitions (-DLINUX) add_executable (6bed4client "src/6bed4peer.c") add_executable (6bed4server "src/6bed4router.c") install (PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/6bed4client ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/6bed4server DESTINATION sbin) install (FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/man/ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/man/ DESTINATION ${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/man/man8) # # Setup a number of parameters. Until we get 6bed4 standardised, # these are preliminary values that MUST NOT be assumed static. # # This is why CMake will present a warning, but it will still # go ahead with the values. They can be changed at will using # any tool that interacts with the CMakeCache.txt file or that # overrides the settings at build time. # # Please beware that the values contain the information in a # number of different forms. In a perfect world, we would # derive values from one another. In a portable world, for # now at least, we resort to letting you maintain consistency. # if (NOT ND_OPT_DESTINATION_LINKADDR) message ("Stealing an experimental Neighbor Discovery Option Type 253 for Destination Link-Layer Address -- please configure your local override") set (ND_OPT_DESTINATION_LINKADDR 253 CACHE STRING "Neighbor Discovery Option Type for Destination Link-Layer Address; Configure an unused value until this is standardised" ) else () message (WARNING "Using experimental Neighbour Discovery Option Type ${ND_OPT_DESTINATION_LINKADDR}") endif () if (NOT UDP_PORT_6BED4) message ("Stealing an experimental UDP port number 25790 or 0x64be -- please configure your local override") set (UDP_PORT_6BED4 25790 CACHE STRING "Decimal UDP Port to use in this 6bed4 setup; Must be consistent with other settings that mention it in different forms; Configure an unused value until this is standardised" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_PORT_TXT "\"25790\"" CACHE STRING "Decimal string representation of the UDP Port to use; Must be consistent with UDP_PORT_6BED4" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_PORT_BINSTR "\"\\xbe\\x64\"" CACHE STRING "Binary string representation of the UDP Port to use; Unsigned 16 bits in network byte order; Must be consistent with UDP_PORT_6BED4" ) else () message (WARNING "Using experimental UDP port number ${UDP_PORT_6BED4}") endif () if (NOT SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT) message ("Stealing an expermental 6bed4 server IP address -- please configure your local override") set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT "\"\"" CACHE STRING "String representation of decimal IP address of the 6bed4 server to use; Must be consistent with other settings that mention it in different forms" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_INT32 252183167 CACHE STRING "Unsinged 32-bit integer form of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Higher bits are for coarser routing; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_INT0 145 CACHE STRING "Decimal form of the byte 1/4 of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_INT1 136 CACHE STRING "Decimal form of the byte 2/4 of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_INT2 0 CACHE STRING "Decimal form of the byte 3/4 of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_INT3 1 CACHE STRING "Decimal form of the byte 4/4 of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_BINSTR "\"\\x91\\x88\\x00\\x01\"" CACHE STRING "Binary string representation of the IP address of the 6bed4 server; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT" ) else () message (WARNING "Using experimental server IP address ${SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT}") endif () set (SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_PORT_TXT "\"\"" CACHE STRING "Textual representation of the 6bed4 server IPv4 address and port number; Must be consistent with SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_TXT and UDP_PORT_6BED4" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_PORT_IPV4_ADDRSTR "\"\\xbe\\x64\\x91\\x88\\x00\\x01\"" CACHE STRING "Binary string representation of the 6bed4 server port number followed by the IPv4 address; Must be the concatenation of SERVER_6BED4_PORT_BINSTR and SERVER_6BED4_IPV4_BINSTR" ) set (SERVER_6BED4_PORT_IPV4_MACSTR "\"\\xbc\\x64\\x91\\x88\\x00\\x01\"" CACHE STRING "Binary string representation of the 6bed4 server port number and IPv4 address as a MAC address; Must be equal to SERVER_6BED4_PORT_IPV4_ADDRSTR except for an applied XOR with 0x02 on the first byte" ) set (LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PORT0 yes) set (INTERFACE_NAME_6BED4 "6bed4") configure_file ( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src/nonstd.h IMMEDIATE @ONLY ) include_directories (${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src) # # Packaging # include (CPack)