# remoteStorage.js Changelog All releases can also be found and downloaded on the [releases page](https://github.com/remotestorage/remotestorage.js/releases) at GitHub. ## 0.8.3 (November 2013) * Make sure to clear auth token after disconnect * Fix invalid conditional request headers (If-Match & If-None-Match) * Fix double-encoded paths * Removed broken example app ## 0.8.2 (October 2013) * Size reduced by almost 25%, to 34K minified, gzipped * Fixes issues with non-ASCII characters in item names * Fixes unnecessary polling of documents whose entry in the parent directory did not change * Widget fixes * Compatible with [remotestorage-02](https://github.com/remotestorage/spec/blob/master/draft-dejong-remotestorage-head.txt) (although nothing needed to change for this) ## 0.8.1 (August 2013) * Update the example server * Fix edge case in sync with incoming deletions of entire directories ## 0.8.0 (August 2013) ### Overview: * Rewritten: RemoteStorage, WireClient, BaseClient, Sync, IndexedDB * Supports the three latest spec versions: - 2012.04 (http://www.w3.org/community/unhosted/wiki/RemoteStorage-2012.04) - remotestorage-00 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-dejong-remotestorage-00) - remotestorage-01 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-dejong-remotestorage-01) * The default cache backend changed to indexedDB * Modularized build (build/components.json lists groups and their dependencies) * Removed internal use of AMD. Everything is nested below the global RemoteStorage namespace now. * Added 'inspect' debug widget. If debug support is built in, use remoteStorage.inspect() in your app to try it. ### Changes to the API: * Global 'remoteStorage' object is now an instance of RemoteStorage * Caching & Access settings are persisted and survive a redirect * remoteStorage.claimAccess no longer returns a promise (was deprecated in 0.7.1) * BaseClient#use/BaseClient#release are deprecated in favor of BaseClient#cache * Added BaseClient#scope() to get BaseClient instances of paths nested below the module root. * Made validation schemas global (schemas from other modules can be referred to using: /) * Added 'inspect' debug widget. If debug support is built in, use remoteStorage.inspect() in your app to try it. * Deprectated the "util" part. It contained a lot of utility functions that bloated the library and are also available in the same or similar form from third-party libraries. Until the next major release a subset of the "util" object will still be available (see "src/legacy.js" for a list of methods that are included). ## 0.7.0 (January 2013) * Big breaking change! * Introduces modules, and changes everything completely. * Nothing is the same as in version 0.6 ## 0.6.9 * Make sure token is decoded before passing it as Authorization header * don't log confusing JSON parse error, if hasn't been stored yet * Update new webfinger format * Add read-write-web-00#webdav support * Add read-write-web-00#simple support ## 0.6.8 * Surfnet hardcoded list update * Add remoteStorage.createStorageInfo * Set client_id correctly ## 0.6.7 * Add fontys.nl to hardcoded * Fix getCollection ## 0.6.6 * Fix wrong error message when user address doesn't parse * Fix wrong requirement for global 'location' variable in nodejs ## 0.6.5 * Fix tests * Include surfnet pilot * Clean up storageInfo format ## 0.6.4 * Fix JRD syntax ## 0.6.3 * No trailing slash after empty base path ## 0.6.2 * Fix legacy detection for OAuth scopes format * On legacy storage, change all slashes to underscores except for the one between category and item * Deal with non-string user addresses in getStorageInfo * Allow hyphens and underscores in user part of user addresses * Revert all user addresses to lower case * Correct new rel to https://www.w3.org/community/rww/wiki/simple-00 ## 0.6.1 * Fix the tests again * Add ':rw' or ':r' to OAuth scopes * DON'T USE: the legacy format detection is broken in this revision ## 0.6.0 * Losen the requirement that the basePath you OAuth to should be a category, so now instead of 'category/key' we use 'basePath/relPath' * DON'T USE: I later found out that the tests were not being run in this revision, so there are some bugs in it. ## 0.5.6 * Fix missing error handler in ajaxNode(). only affects remoteStorage-node.js ## 0.5.5 * Fix input typeof() checks. no big impact ## 0.5.4 * Fix a problem in xrd parsing. upgrading highly recommended ## 0.5.3 * Added guessStorageInfo fallback * Added temporary migration code for 160 users who are still on deprecated fakefinger * Works in combination with http://proxy.unhosted.org/checkIrisCouch * Added nodejs support * Added (non-functional) straw man code for IE * Pushing this version only for temp use in Libre Docs, don't use this at home until we test the new stuff some more ## 0.5.2 * Restructured code to make room for multi-platform ## 0.5.1 * Got rid of fakefinger again, and made webfinger code nicer * To build, run 'cd build; node build.js' ## 0.5.0 * BREAKING CHANGE in how you include the library: got rid of require. * To build, run 'sh build.sh' ## 0.4.7 * Added r.js build script ## 0.4.6 * Moved tests to sinonjs, fixed some significant bugs in couch 409 handling * Added builds/ and downloads/ directories * Now returning (null, undefined) instead of (404, '') when an item is not found ## 0.4.5 * Switched from useraddress.net/fakefinger to proxy.unhosted.org/lookup * Fixed CouchDB _rev in DELETE https://github.com/unhosted/remoteStorage.js/issues/39 * Removed dead code relating to single-origin webfinger ## 0.4.4 * Added unit tests ## 0.4.3 * Made requires relative ## 0.4.2 * First public version of this library implementing http://unhosted.org/#developer