INSTALLING TLSPOOL ================== This explains how to install the TLS pool daemon, and how to play with the test/demo programs for the client and server side. Dependencies ------------ Runtime dependencies are: * libgnutls >= 3.4.4 for TLS handling (that implies libnettle-2.7) * p11-kit >= 0.22.1 for PKCS #11 URI handling * libdb >= 4.0 for key->value lookup with BerkeleyDB transactions/replication * libtasn1 for parsing of BER and DER data structures * libldns for DNS lookups * libunbound for more DNS lookups * Quick-DER >= 1.2.3 for DER manipulation * libkrb5 for Kerberos support * NOT-YET: libldap for LDAP lookups * NOT-YET: libmemcached for caching of intermediate results * NOT-YET: libradius to do additional authn / authz [/acct] * the PKCS #11 implementation of your choice (for easy entrance: softhsm) Include the development variants if your aim is to build your own TLS Pool. TODO: We should probably consider build variations to avoid requiring all these dependencies when only a bit is kwown to be required. That's the sort of maturity that this project has not reached yet. Build Packages -------------- As a **sugestion** only, here are packages you should have installed before trying to build TLSPOOL. - Debian - libdb-dev libldns-dev libunbound-dev libkrb5-dev - libgnutls-dev (you'll need one with DANE support) First-time build ---------------- Create a user and group "tlspool" if you wish to drop privileges to a separate account. Use the common building approach: ./configure make make install When your purpose is to test, you will also need a PKCS #11 store for your private keys. Then you can fill PKCS #11 and the databases. Build details ------------- There are three sub-targets with their own Makefiles: * src/* hosts the daemon, which is an executable named "tlspool" * lib/* hosts the stub library for applications, and provides: - "libstarttls.a" and "" to append to applications - "" is similar, but used with Python * tool/* hosts a few demonstration applications, and provides: - "testcli" and "testsrv" test/demo apps, for line-based chat - "tlstunnel" as a plaintext-to-TLS or TLS-to-plaintext passthrough - "" and "" are Python demonstrations - "lidsel" and "pinentry" plug into the TLS Pool's localid and PIN services - "" demonstrates an intervening HTTPS proxy The main directory "make" will also make all these subdirectory projects. Testing ------- The source package includes a "testdata" directory that can be filled with databases that you can use for a quick and dirty test. You will need to setup a PKCS #11 repository; we suggest to use SoftHSMv2 from the OpenDNSSEC project to get started, you can always try hardware-based tokens later on. The idea of PKCS #11 is that such choices are pluggable. To create a SoftHSM token, you can use the following command:: softhsm2-util --init-token --free --label 'TLS_Pool_dev_data' This label is configured in the default configuration for the TLS Pool. The default configuration works with a PIN 1234; you can choose any SO-PIN you like. You can now build the private keys and from that, certificates that go into the databases:: cd testdata make (If it fails, please run it again.) The databases may also be rebuilt using the Makefile in the directory, there are rebuild- clean- and fill- targets for -pkcs11, -cert, -pgp and -db that will do this for you. Note that rebuilding PKCS #11 is heavy, it wipes your private key and possibly even the store. The PKCS #11 data may not be available to your TLS Pool if it runs under another user, such as the default setup for daemon user "tlspool". If that is the case, you may need to locate your PKCS #11 store and run the command; this is for SoftHSMv2:: useradd tlspool chown -R tlspool:tlspool testdata chown -R tlspool:tlspool /var/lib/softhsm/tokens/XXX To setup Kerberos authentication, you need to install the basic package, usually named `krb5-user` or `krb5-client`, depending on your distro. In `/etc/krb5.conf`, be sure to have this entry to guide the test domain names to our KDC:: [domain_realm] # ...other entries... tlspool.arpa2.lab = ARPA2.NET The following test demonstrates proper working of the TLS Pool based on the testdata and under the warnings above: # terminal 1 cd src ./tlspool -kc ../etc/tlspool.conf # terminal 2 cd src ../tool/testsrv # termainl 3 cd src ../tool/testcli This will setup a TLS connection over localhost:12345 and provide a simple line-by-line chat session between terminals 2 and 3, while showing debugging output from the TLS Pool in terminal 1. The test client and server are written to test more functionality as well, and they show some of it too, namely key agreement based on the master key, which show as matching "PRNG bytes" in terminals 2 and 3. A somewhat more complicated test is to actually wrap an existing service with tunnels: cd src ./tlspool -kc ../etc/tlspool.conf ../tool/tlstunnel -s -l [::1]:22335 -L testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab -r [2001:db8::1234]:80 ../tool/tlstunnel -c -l [::1]:22334 -L testcli@tlspool.arpa2.lab -r [::1]:22335 -R testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab nc ::1 22334 The `tlspool` binary is the TLS Pool itself. The `tlstunnel -s` is a server-side TLS unwrapper. It receives TLS traffic on `[::1]:22335`, uses the TLS Pool to unwrap it, and forwards the traffic to `[2001:db8::1234]:80`, which is a non-existent address but could be replaced by something like a web server. You should provide your own IPv6 server address of choice. Note that backward compatibility with IPv4 is available. The identity of the server is `testsrv@tlspool.arpa2.lab` and that is all that the tunnel needs to know; it will ask the TLS Pool to fill in the credentials belonging to this identity. The `tlstunnel -c` is a client-side TLS wrapper. It receives plaintext traffic on `[::1]:22334`, uses the TLS Pool to wrap it in TLS, and forwards the traffic to `[::1]:22335`, which was not quite coincidentally configured before as a TLS-unwrapping server. The client needs to know both its local identity, `testcli@tlspool.arpa2.lab`, as the server's. The local identity is used to access the client credentials, as was done on the server, and the remote identity is used to determine if the client identity may be disclosed to this server; furthermore, the identity is used for TLS' Server Name Indication, which helps with virtual hosting of TLS-secured websites. (And only websites, really, as all other protocols have embraced a `STARTTLS` method -- it is mostly everyone's popular protocol in the World that has become unable to evolve.) It is admittedly silly to run the client and server on the same machine, but it serves as a quick test, and isolates any networking trouble that might creep up in a distributed test. The identities shown here are in fact a bit silly for a website, which does not normally use a `user@` part --another thing in which the web is lagging behind other protocols-- but the applications don't mind that because they are not aware if the application used is a web server. It is assumed that the application would not supply silly identifiers in a real setup. Finally, and perhaps smashingly, this simple demonstration already shows a power of the TLS Pool: both client and server are capable of using credentials in the X.509 and OpenPGP formats. WireShark should show you that the client offers both `cert_type` values in an extension, and the server selects one that it likes. If the server prefers to use OpenPGP then your luck with WireShark may change; at the time of this writing, even the newest versions are unable to decode the OpenPGP certificate type. As a result, a perfectly good exchange will cry for attention in WireShark, assuming packet formatting errors. Trusting well-known CAs ----------------------- By default, the testdata is not setup to trust any well-known CA certificate. We did however sample a Debian distribution of CA certificates, and installed it under testdata -- where it will NOT BE KEPT UP-TO-DATE. If you choose to rely on these CA's and need it for testing purposes, you can import them with cd testdata make anchors Once more, TRUST THIS ONLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES -- use a proper distrubution mechanism such as your OS or perhaps ARPA2 SteamWorks for anything that should withstand the pressure of an Internet whose intent is in part criminal. This is the reason why it must be installed as an explicit choice. We made it really easy to install, but also won't keep the set secure. Running ------- The tlspool daemon can be run against a configfile of choice, which must be explicitly configured. My suggestion is to standardise on /etc/tlspool.conf so the normal script would implement actions with: * "start" through "tlspool -c /etc/tlspool.conf" * "stop" through "killall `cat /var/run/`" * "restart" through "tlspool -kc /etc/tlspool.conf" The -k option indicates that any older TLS pool daemon should be kicked out, if it exists. This will remove its locks on the PID file and sockets. At present, this will also break off any existing connections. This also assumes that the PID file is set to /var/run/ and although not visible here, the socket's default location is /var/run/tlspool.sock When running the TLS pool as a user without root privileges, a few things need to be different than in the default configuration: * "daemon_pidfile" should be in the user's area of control * "socket_user" and "socket_group" should probably not be set * "daemon_chroot" cannot be used * "daemon_user" and "daemon_group" should probably not be set * "socket_path" and "daemon_pidfile" should be in the user's area * "memcache_host" should normally not be used * "pkcs11_path" may be setup for a personally held token device * "radius_XXX" should normally not be used We could support a setup with defaults like ~/.tlspool/tlspool.conf for the configuration, ~/.tlspool/ for the PID file and ~/.tlspool/tlspool.sock for the socket. Note that it can make a lot of sense to run your own TLS pool within your user account, to avoid sharing access to your PKCS #11 credentials with others. But doing so will not automatically incorporate it in system-wide key management strategies. Online identities ----------------- TODO Testing ------- Assuming that the TLS pool daemon started successfully, the only thing that clients and servers need to do is to connect to it and ask it to STARTTLS over a given file descriptor or socket, and return another one to replace it. This is implemented in the stub library, for which the testcli and testsrv programs form a test client and test server, respectively. The test programs are best started in their own terminals, so their input and output does not confuse you. The server starts as any normal server, creating a listening socket and waiting for input. We have hardcoded address ::1 or localhost and port 12345 into the test software. When the client connects, each immediately calls the STARTTLS operation from their perspective; one starts a TLS client connection and the other a TLS server connection. Then, typed lines are passed from one to the other, going through the TLS pool which takes care of the TLS encryption on the sending side, and the TLS decryption on the other end. The TLS pool takes care of authentication, authorization and, if so desired, even accounting. The basic mode of authentication comes down to validating certificates as proper online identitites, using such technologies as LDAP, DANE and DNSSEC. External RADIUS tools can be added to expand on this, and flag bits may also prove helpful to modify the TLS pool behaviour in predetermined manners. The TLS pool also handles teardown in all its forms with grace; that is, it will detect it immediately and notify the other side. Language Wrappers ----------------- The TLS Pool protocol is published and can be implemented in any language that prefers to work at that level. It is important to understand that the format may change with future versions however, and that would cause some dismay related to versioning. We promise to confine API changes to major versions only to make this somewhat bearable. The golden way is to instead rely on the C library, built in lib/* and installed for linking with a "-ltlspool" argument. We also provide a .pc file for use with pkg-config. Based on this C library, we build wrappers for other languages, usually going through SWIG. If you desire a library, please build it separately with: make -C lib/python all install make -C lib/go all install and so on. Some of the libraries may not have been completed yet, in that case you will run into difficulties. These libraries are neither built nor installed as part of the normal (main directory) builds! Only the C library is made and/or installed by default.