TLSPOOL README ============== The tlspool package concentrates TLS usage by client and server applications. It gets passed a file descriptor of a socket, initiates TLS over it, and then makes a callback with authenticated local/remote identities in a request for an additional file descriptor for the plaintext side. This approach makes it straightforward to add TLS support to network software, and the central location of the TLS Pool makes it easy to enforce consistent rules for authentication and authorization rules. Current development ------------------- The actual daemon design is part of the plans of, which aims to improve everyone's Internet quality through distribution of more protocols and facilities with strong encryption and privacy. The full stretch of this project is documented on The practical/project side of this project is called, and the website for the TLS Pool can be found at We are currently at a state where the daemon and a small stub library for applications are working for certificate authentication using X.509 certs and/or OpenPGP keys. We have built-in initial support for a few upcoming authentication approaches, namely Secure Remote Passwords and our own work on TLS-KDH, Please see the TODO file for work that has not yet been completed. Using the library API --------------------- The core logic used here is (client shown, server is similar): #include ... plainfd = -1; if (-1 == starttls_client (fd, &tlsparams, &plainfd, NULL)) { if (plainfd >= 0) { close (plainfd); plainfd = -1; } ...error reporting... } else { ...continue to use plainfd... } The daemon will cover TCP, UDP and SCTP over IPv4 and IPv6. Asynchronous versions of these calls are possible by directly talking to the UNIX domain socket of the API. The library routines above are only simple interfaces to these socket interactions. Unlike with common libraries, the identity forms (X.509 certificates, OpenPGP keys, Kerberos tickets, ...) are not made available to the application. What is provided, are authenticated identities contained in the tlsparams structure after this call. The importance of PKCS #11 -------------------------- The key material used by this daemon will be accessed over PKCS #11. Compromise will require multi-layered attacks to key material: the material is protected by a secure key store of choice, in hardware or software, and even the PIN for using the private keys without seeing them is stored in a separate program, namely the TLS Pool. Specifically, the PIN and key material are not available to user agents such as a PHP-enabled web server which may be running outdated software. Aside from the improved key protection and the ability to choose a security level by choosing the PKCS #11 implementation accordingly, it is useful to have a central location for key storage; this simplifies maintenance tasks, such as certificate renewals and (PIN encrypted) secret key backup. One last advantage of using PKCS #11 is that this enables a form where USB token manufacturers can provide a tool that functions as a HTTP proxy, and that establishes secure connections to selected parties with an OpenPGP key and no further infrastructure. End users can plugin their token to get secured access, and remove it to stop further secure web connections. Note that this principle can easily be extended to other protocols that can work through a proxy. Note that it is expressly not the task of the TLS Pool to manage the objects stored behind the PKCS #11 API. This is expressly left to external tools that manage certificates and keys on behalf of the application area covered. All the TLS Pool does is read tokens, looking for usable keys to authenticate its identities to the Internet, both over X.509 and over OpenPGP. One final, and hardly recognised use of having a central TLS Pool and potentially centralised PKCS #11 repositories is the ability to monitor the network traffic for intrusion attempts. To be able to do this in the presence of encrypted connections, the ability to decrypt the traffic must be offered to sniffers like Snort. The decryption usually involves manual input of certificates and private keys, which is no longer necessary with PKCS #11 with remote access to the API in place. So, large-scale organisations could setup a networked HSM and use it both for production use and for feeding the intrusion detectors. The use of Central Configuration -------------------------------- It is common for TLS applications to have locally defined settings for things like cipher suites, keys, methods of authentication supported, and much more. Given the complexity of TLS and the application-specific format of configuration, the result is not ideal: - Applications need to concern themselves with security issues. In most cases, the ability to externalise these concerns is desirable for the application programmer, system administrator and security officer. - When changes are necessary, many applications need to be reconfigured, each in their own format. This is a problem when such changes are needed as a result of security disclosures. - Not all applications cover the full range of features that TLS can offer. This means that security policies are constrained to the lowest common denominator. The TLS Pool resolves this situation by not interfacing with the application about security settings. All security settings are made out-of-band, and can be set in the same way for all applications at once; variations are supported per service, but even then the grammar is consistent. Configuration information for the TLS Pool is stored in simple key-value databases, whose contents may be modified without taking the TLS Pool offline. The databases can be managed from the commandline, over a web-based API or from a central configuration in LDAP, using the sister project SteamWorks, documented on -- there is a SteamWorks Pulley plugin for TLS Pool configuration. Additional Rules: RADIUS ------------------------ TODO: Can RADIUS handle user@domain for both the user and the realm? Local environments may have their own added requirements to authentication, authorization and also pursue their own accounting of TLS connections. The common approach to these mechansims is RADIUS, which can independently handle these three types of request. RADIUS is designed as a fast local protocol, and it can be rerouted with FreeRADIUS and resolved with scripts or programs in just about any programming language. Any AAA facilities are stacked on top of the minimum requirements offered by the TLS Pool, that is the identities of the peers can be assumed to have been established (or perhaps be established in parallel) while the authentication and authorization is requested. Note that accounting will always wait for completion of the identity check, to avoid charging to an innocent account. Note that RADIUS combines authentication and authorization into one accept phase, which is supposed to do both. This means that in practice most people will declare RADIUS for either authentication or authorization. This is not a requirement though; the functions can be setup and, due to lack of expressiveness in the protocol, split over different servers. Accounting is not usually applied immediately when a TLS connection is setup; this is barely useful information. Instead, the TLS Pool is able to receive accounting requests over the same API as it uses for the authentication and authorization requests, and it can pass requests on to the accounting functions of a RADIUS service. Accounting in the style of the TLS Pool comes down to counting ticks or time; a series of values is supplied to both the start and end that is being accounted: - an identifier for the kind of thing being accounted; - an identifier for the instance being accounted; - a local and remote identity of a user@domain or of a domain. For each of these, information is collected to support accounting: - the identifier for the kind of thing being accounted; - the identifier for the instance being accounted; - the local and remote identity of a user@domain or of a domain; - a timestamp for the start and, if present, the end of a period; - a final count representing the number of items being accounted. Windows Porting --------------- The TLS Pool makes heavy use of UNIX domain sockets, and specifically their ability to pass a file descriptor between processes using `SOL_SOCKET` and `SCM_RIGHTS`. For Windows, another approach is provisioned: TODO: This needs to be tried and built into the code base! - The TLS Pool offers its services through a NamedPipe - Waiting can be done with I/O Completion Ports - File descriptor passing may be ported to random-name-passing for a NamedPipe - This would require NamedPipe access being available only to the TLS Pool - Alternatively, we could use CreatePipe and DuplicateHandle Links: